Giddy Climbing Team Crushing in Washington!

November 01, 2013

Happy Friday everyone! Jimmy and Taylor checked in with us last night and dropped a short on what they have been up to in Washington. Check it!

So the Giddy crew is up here in Leavenworth Washington right now! Shreddin our fingers and climbing on some of the best granite this country has to offer. Our first impressions of the area are that there isn't much of a community here. There's lots of climbing, but not too many climbers. Though we've been touring some of the local classics we've also been sampling some hidden gems. There are lots of amazing problems completely off the radar established by local hard man Johnny Goicoechea . The first day Taylor (Tmoney) got stoked on a rarely tried testpiece called the Tornado. I'll let him tell you all about it…

Tornado squeezes up a really unique prow, with hard aggressive moves on small left hand crimpers and bad right hand slopers. The crux revolves around a low percentage left hand fall in move to a small sharp crimper, followed by a couple slaps to gain a right hand jug. I put in a couple days to figure out my method, a series of kneescums. Jimmy made quick work of it claiming the 2nd ascent in a handful of goes. My 3rd day on it I stuck the crux fall in, and my left hand dry fired slapping my way up the the jug. I'm psyched to get back and fire this rig!!!


So ya thats the gig right now. Taylor's mad close on that thing and I have been in search of some new problems to try. Yesterday I had a disappointing beginning to the day. I went out to try Carlo's Penrose Step and took an awkward fall off the last move and twisted my ankle pretty good. I'm definitely not psyched on that and its a bummer I might have to stay a bit closer to the ground the rest of the trip. Afterwards though we hiked up to Mad Meadows to check out a cool project on the Peephole boulder. It's a pretty sick line and felt quite hard. After about an hour I was able to put it down for the First Ascent calling it Future Trippin 8B. There's really just so much potential here and we're stoked to keep searching for some new problems. More to come..


Pictured here is Taylor on Tornado V12:

Jimmy on the FA of Future Trippin V13:

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